Ven Sheila away next week. Monday Oct 30 returning Friday Nov 3.
Guest Preacher
On Sunday October 29th the Rev. Krista Hilton will be preaching. She is the Ecumenical Chaplain at Brock University who has been working with Barbara Sainty and myself in our work with the students of Brock. She will be talking about her role at Brock and the ministry she is engaged in.
Halloween Messy Church This Friday
Our Halloween Messy Church is Friday, October 27th and we are looking to end the night with a Trunk or Treat in the parking lot! We are inviting our church family members to decorate your trunk, fill it with candy and come on out to the church parking lot for 6:45pm. Our little ones will have a chance to get some treats in a safe and controlled space, before we send them home!
*the rough end time is 7:30, but it may end slightly earlier depending on numbers*
Please let Steff know if you have any questions.
All Saints Day
All saints day – next Sunday, November 5. Please sign sheet on the Bulletin Board in memory of your loved ones.
CPR Training
Recertification for CPR/AED! Setting it up for Saturday October 21 from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Cost is $30.00 pp ($5.00 goes to the church).
Speak to Ray Elder if you are interested.
Blessing Of The Animals
This Sunday – October 15 2023.
In honour of St. Francis, you might consider giving a donation to your local animal shelter.
From Rev. Sheila:
Flowers on the Altar
Flowers on the Altar are from Kelly Twerdy and Lou in Loving Memory of Lila, Boulder, Rocky and Copper
Friday Morning Study Group – Save the date(s)
Starting October 6th at 10:30am we will be looking at Paul’s first and second letter to the Thessalonians. Join me for some interesting conversations about the early church and our church today.
If anyone is interested in an evening Bible study on this topic please email Sheila.
Christmas Music Ministry
The Transfiguration Choir, Worship Band and Prelude Artists are back! We are starting our preparations for Advent & Christmas. Our practices are Thursday 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. and Sundays 10:00 a.m.
If you do not think you can commit for a year but might like to join us for our Advent & Christmas Liturgies to help lead the Music during our services that would be super!
Visit our website for more details: If you would like to come and join the fun please talk to our Music Director Lindsey Mills.
Come on! Come on! You know you want to!
The Life of Jesus Colouring Book
Colouring books back on sale at the church next Sunday – OCT. 15. Pierre will be returning to the Church this Sunday to sell more of the Life of Jesus; Told through Classical Religious Paintings is a beautiful colouring book which is going to be on sale here at the church Sunday August 27th and available on-line.
This is also a fundraiser for the Out of the Cold Program and the Brock Supper Program. The books are $30.00 each (on-line they are $40.00 but there is a promo code TRANSFIG reducing the price by $10.00)
For each purchase $10.00 will be sent to the Out of the Cold Program and $10.00 will be given to the parish toward the Brock Supper Program.
A good time to start thinking about Christmas Gifts!
Bishop’s Visit
Bishop Susan is so sorry she is unable to worship with us today. Please keep her in your prayers.
Chili And Soup Sale
This Sunday there will be soup and chili for sale, $5.00 each. All proceeds will go to PWRDF Indigenous Programs.
Flowers On The Altar
Flowers on the Altar this week are by Marg Smith, in loving memory of her Husband Ed and her son Peter.
Special Reflection
Steff, our Youth & Family Ministry Coordinator, wrote this reflection for National Day for Truth & Reconciliation and she wanted to share it with you. The official date for this is Sept. 30th.
The general idea of our gospel reading this week is that everyone comes to the vineyard, or faith, at different points in their lives. We might see it as unfair then, when Jesus says that our reward in Heaven is the same regardless of how long we have followed Him. But, Jesus also points out that the reward for longtime faith is indeed fair, the latecomers are receiving the same reward only by the grace of God. So if I, a lifelong follower of Jesus, have been treated justly, how could I reasonably complain that God is generous to others?
With our National Day For Truth and Reconciliation approaching, it is interesting that we are reading about “just” and “unjust” treatment. It is no secret that the appalling treatment toward our Aboriginal allies was unjust, to say the least. And it can be infuriating to think that most of the offenders were not held accountable or met with justice before their timely deaths. This seems so incredibly unfair. However, fortunately or unfortunately for us, we worship a God who isn’t “fair.” We worship a God who is gracious and merciful. How many of us would be in trouble if God gave us what we really deserved!? The punishment for our sin is death, but instead God gave us Jesus! I do struggle a bit writing this, because I cannot pretend that this makes everything easy to understand or digest. But when things are painful or hard to understand, that’s when our faith and trust in God is really put to the test.
As the ultimate “vineyard owner,” God will always be the Judge, and God will always show sinners grace and mercy. When things seem unfair, it’s quite possible that it’s because our human standards are obstructing our view of the world through God’s eyes. In these moments, my resolution is to show grace to others, pray a little harder, and try to trust God a little deeper.
Jane Sissmore
Many of you were able to be here to say goodbye to Jane Sissmore last Wednesday. She has moved to Peterborough with her husband David. If anyone wanted to have Jane’s new address please contact Lindsey at the office and she will be happy to provide you with that Information. PS: Jane’s Birthday Is Oct. 6
Games Night
Games night, this Saturday: 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Please register by contacting Steff Doan at
All ages are welcome and people are encouraged to bring their favourite game. There will also be cards! Euchre was a real favourite last time we did this. We will serve pizza, with a free-will offering.
Flowers on the Altar
Flowers on the Altar today are giving: In memory of Loved Ones by Bill Muirhead.
Support the Work of the Bishop’s Company
You are cordially invited by Bishop Susan Bell to become a member of the Bishop’s Company, a group dedicated to providing resources that enable the bishop to respond compassionately and strategically to the emergent needs of our diocesan leaders, lay, and ordained. Membership also includes an exclusive invitation to Bishop’s Company events, a charitable tax receipt, and updates from the bishop!
You can register online here. Should you have any questions, please contact Hannah Keller, Bishop’s Company registrar. She can be reached by email or by calling 905-527-1316 ext. 380.
This year, Bishop Susan is delighted to resume in-person events; members will be invited to a special brunch with the bishop on September 14 at Liuna Station in Hamilton!
Lindsey will be away August 27 & September 3 and returning Sept 10 as Music Director and Sept 13th as Admin.