The parish has identified music as an integral part of our worship, an offering of praise as meaningful as prayer. Seeking fresh ways to reflect the lections of the day has led to an eclectic musical mix. Spanning plainsong to jazz, selections are chosen from all over the world and from various sources inclusive of Traditional, Contemporary, Worship, Celtic and World music.
We have various Singer Songwriters who create music that is especially meaningful to our parish. Our main instrument is a Yamaha Electric Piano and a Yamaha Acoustic Piano often accompanied by various other instrumentalists. We have a choir that leads the congregation in song and often offers a Gift of Music during communion. They are a joyful bunch always ready to welcome new voices and instrumentalists to join in.
For more information on our Music Ministry please feel free to contact our Music Director Lindsey M. Mills. Check out our Music Website :
“May Our Voices Help Make This World A Better Place” Lindsey M. Mills