A Note from Katherine:

Advent Kits

This Christmas season, we have put together 12 kits (for 24 children) to do some winter-themed crafts over the holiday break. These little kits are packed full of fun things:

  • 5 fun crafts with everything the family needs to complete them
  • a winter bingo game
  • a snowman joke teller
  • play-dough
  • markers
  • holiday pencils

We hope that this will bring some fun and joy to some families in our community this Christmas. Special thanks to Kelly, Erin, and Beth for their help.

Community Care Needs You!


Community Care is looking for volunteers to help with their Great Holiday Food Drive.

It takes place on Friday December 10th at the Market Square and volunteers would work a 2-3 hour shift, between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm, waving signs at the entrances to raise awareness and direct people and unload donations from cars.

If you’re interested and available, please call, email or speak to Rev. Sheila

A Timely Reminder


Care For Creation A Note From Donald Brown

This is a reprint of an important message from December 2019—pre-pandemic.

During the Christmas season Canadians will throw away an extra 500,000 tons of trash–wrapping paper, boxes, Christmas cards, leftover food etc. In addition some 3,800 miles of ribbon will be discarded. Neither wrapping paper nor ribbon nor traditional Christmas cards are recyclable.

Save every bit of paper and ribbon that comes your way. Consider wrapping gifts in newsprint or packing paper, fabric scraps, pillow cases or gift bags which can be saved and used over and over. We currently use some bags which have reached the ripe old age of 20 years.

Consider e-cards or homemade cards on paper that can be recycled. For gifts consider homemade crafts or food, coupons for things like a cooked dinner, babysitting, or an event. Gift certificates are also welcomed as gifts. The idea is
to avoid ‘stuff’.

If just we and our families and friends could do these things it would make an impact.
Let’s put a wrap on wrapping.




St. George’s Breakfast Program Needs Us!


The Breakfast Program at St. George’s now serves over 100 people daily, a 30% increase. They need our help to replenish their non-perishable breakfast foods before winter sets in. Specifically they are looking for cereal, red jam, Cheese Whiz and peanut butter. If you can help, please bring your donations to church before November 26th, and we’ll be sure they get to St. George’s


A chance to share your own thoughts/ideas about the world around you—serious, or not. So, what has inspired you, heartened you, made you think, made you laugh? Send your own Furthermores… to Erica.


In honour of Remembrance Day, Ray Elder has sent us these wonderful pictures of the Poppy Memorial display in Niagara-on-the–Lake, at the Historical Museum.

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Remembrance Sunday

November 14 is the day we will be commemorating Remembrance Sunday. As is our custom, we will be honouring our veterans, and active and retired Armed Forces personnel with a special slideshow during the service. If you have a family member you wish to see honoured in this way, please send a copy of the picture, as a photo attachment (.jpeg), to the office. Please include name, rank and other pertinent information with your photo. If you have submitted a picture for last year’s service, you do not need to resubmit, unless you want o use a different picture.

Photo Directory


The early response to our Photo Directories has been great, so many thanks to all who have booked appointments already! We really want this to be the best, most accurate directory possible, so please take a moment after service to book your appointment if you haven’t already done so. If you are unable to be at service on Sunday, but want to book an appointment, please call or email the office and we’ll get you set up with an appointment.

Appointments will be available throughout the day and evening on Monday November 22 and Wednesday November 24th. However, appointment times are filling up quickly, so book now for the best choice of timeslots. Thank you!

Advent Kits

Once again this year we are offering an at-home faith formation kit for children and families for Advent. This year, we are doing a special advent calendar with activities and items for each day in Advent, beginning on Sunday, November 28. The theme of this calendar is “The Gift” and each day explores a different gift that we have in our lives. If you or someone you know is interested, please let Katherine know as soon as you can by emailing transfigcyfm@gmail.com

Treaty Recognition Week Event

Janis Kahentóktha Monture
Janis Kahentóktha Monture

In recognition of Treaties Recognition Week, we invite you to join Dean Tim Dobbin and Archdeacon Val Kerr on Wednesday November 3 at 7:00pm, for a conversation with Janis Kahentóktha Monture, the executive director of the Woodland Cultural Centre. Their conversation will be a wide-ranging discussion on the Woodland Cultural Centre, the Mohawk Institute Residential School, the Save the Evidence Campaign, and the ongoing Truth and Reconciliation process.

One of the largest First Nations-run cultural centres in the country, the Woodland Cultural Centre was established in 1972 upon the closure of the Mohawk Institute Residential School. An active volunteer in her community at Six Nations and in Brantford, Janis previously served as the director of tourism and cultural Initiatives for the Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation before joining the Centre.

You can participate in this livestreamed event by visiting the Cathedral’s YouTube page.

Remembering the Saints

We will be celebrating All Saints’/All Souls on October 31, and we want to sure to remember all of our Transfiguration “Saints”. If there are people in your life who have died, especially in the past year, and you want to commemorate in this special service, please email the office with their names, and they will be included on special slides during the service.