Lent is right around the corner, beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 2nd. Each lent is a time for Christians to reflect on their relationship with God through prayer, study and giving of time talent and treasures.
This can take many forms, from setting aside time each day to read the Bible and pray, joining a church or on-line Bible or book study, or looking at how we use our time, talents, and treasures with regard to reacting to the needs of individuals or groups or our planet.
This year at Transfiguration we would like to look at our stewardship of the planet we call home and so would like to challenge each parishioner to find ways be a blessing to the earth.
This could take the form of eliminating single use plastics in your home, using beeswax wraps, reusable mesh bags for produce and reusable lunch and food storage options
It could be to take a ‘trash walk’ where you bring along gloves and bags to pick up trash in your neighbourhood or somewhere you already walk each day. This is a wonderful family or group project, make sure to plan a number of walks in different areas throughout Lent.
This might mean raising awareness for environmental issues, or donating funds or time to environmental groups or causes.
In all this, the idea is to thank God for the beauty and generosity of this planet our island home and as we take on these challenges to pray about them and use them as ways to refocus our lives and hearts toward God’s love for us and all people.