Photo Directory Update


The next step in completing our directories is now complete. This includes putting together the roster of parishioner’s names and addresses, sending in photos from families who weren’t able to come to the photography sessions, writing the opening message, choosing the photos for the editorial/ activity pages and choosing the design and look for the directory. By the end of February, we hope to have a proof which we will then have to check for accuracy and by Easter we will have the directories ready to hand out!

For those who did not choose a package their 8×10 portraits are done and at the office. I would prefer to hand those photos out once we are in person again as there is usually no one in the office at this time. Thank you to everyone for your involvement in this project and I look forward to seeing the final product!

Anglicans In Action

Coldest night

Greater St. Catharines Social Justice Network

It’s that time again! Coldest Night of the year is set to happen on February 26, 2022. Your help is so important for this event! Start Me Up Niagara needs this support to be able to continue its very important work. To Register now as a member of the Anglicans in Action team or make a donation to support our team click this link:

This year, we will likely once again all walk in our own bubble in our own neighbourhood any time in February. Information will be finalized soon. Your team leader is Diane Kidson (905-933-6759 or Let’s help make this a fun, positive event this winter! All are welcome!

Please note that we have a number of Transfig folks taking part in this event, and if you would like to support them without going online, you can send a cheque to the church, made out to the Church of the Transfiguration, but clearly marked Coldest Night of the Year and we’ll forward the funds for you.

In Person Worship Suspended

Dear Friends in Christ,

I am sorry to announce that the Diocese has decided to suspend all in person worship starting immediately. While this is difficult news to receive the decision has been made with everyone’s health and well being in mind. The numbers due to the Omicrom variant are alarming and there are not enough people able to get vaccinated or a booster shot at this time to slow the wave in any way.

We will be live streaming the 7:00pm Christmas service but the 4:30 family service and the Christmas Day service are cancelled as are the Wednesday services.

We will continue live streaming a 10:30 Sunday morning service each week as we did with the last shut down.

While this is not the way we wanted to celebrate Christmas this year it does not mean that the spirit of Christmas is not present among us. May you find God’s blessings in your life in unexpected places and ways, may the gifts of love, hope, peace, and joy be yours this season and throughout the New Year.

With love,
Rev. Sheila

Christmas Flowers


If you would like to place flowers in the church in memory of a loved one for our upcoming Christmas celebrations, there is a sign-up sheet in the foyer. You can also call or email the office with the details of who you would like to donate flowers for. You can then just put your donation in an envelope marked “Christmas Flowers” and drop in the Offertory Box.

Last Chance for Community Care Christmas Drive

CommunityCare logo

If you would like to help a family in need this Christmas, please consider purchasing a gift card for us to pass along to Community Care. They are accepting unwrapped toys but their space is limited and it is difficult for them to allow families in to choose toys due to pandemic restrictions. So for Christmas Gift Cards in $25.00 denominations for both children and teens are welcomed. Some suggestions are:

  • Walmart
  • Toys R Us
  • Starbucks
  • Tim Hortons
  • Landmark Cinemas

Please leave the gift cards in an envelope in the Offering Box and we will make sure they get to Community Care.

A Note from Katherine:

Advent Kits

This Christmas season, we have put together 12 kits (for 24 children) to do some winter-themed crafts over the holiday break. These little kits are packed full of fun things:

  • 5 fun crafts with everything the family needs to complete them
  • a winter bingo game
  • a snowman joke teller
  • play-dough
  • markers
  • holiday pencils

We hope that this will bring some fun and joy to some families in our community this Christmas. Special thanks to Kelly, Erin, and Beth for their help.