A Message from Sheila – Sept 12 Opportunity







We are a Gospel-focused learning community based in the Niagara Diocese of the Anglican Church of Canada that trains effective missional leaders to respond to the needs of God’s world.

In the Diocese of Niagara we have a fabulous new resource called the Niagara School for Missional Leadership. The courses offered are much more than just leadership courses for clergy. There are a number of courses being offered this fall that might interest you such as:
Christian Foundations: From Abraham to Jesus with Patrick Paulsen
When: Monday evenings, 7:00p–9:00p on Zoom September 12–October 17, 2022
Course Fee: $250


Many people are familiar with the concept of an overarching narrative (storyline) when looking at the history of our faith: from the Old Testament, through to the New and on into the history of the church, we can see God at work. However, when people think of, say, the Old Testament, disconnected images come to mind (King David, the Exodus, prophets, and others). The problem is that many people have no real idea of how these individual stories flow together and fit into the historical narrative.

This course will help you to follow the story of our faith and scriptures by:

Presenting the history in a flowing, coherent narrative,
Examining foundational aspects of our faith,
Seeing Jesus from the perspective of his first-century context,
Discussing the origin and ongoing story of the church (including learning about how we got our Creeds and the Canon of Scripture we follow), and asking how we can be part of this community which is Christ’s body.
For more information, please speak to Rev. Sheila.

Congratulations Marilyn & Bob Trinder


On Aug 19th we received word that we have another beautiful great grandchild, who entered our world safely via C-section . Arber Janes weighed in at 6 lbs 12 oz at 8:29 am on Aug 19th in London, On. We thank God for a healthy baby and yet another beautiful gift in our lives. Mom, Dad and baby have returned home and are doing well. This brings our total to 16 great grandchildren at the moment with another great grandchild expected later in September.

We also give thanks for the marriage of Bob’s eldest grandson Adam and his fiancé
Krystle this past Saturday Aug 20th in Sarnia Ontario and ask God’s blessing on their

It was a very exciting weekend for us and we are truly thankful for the many blessings in our lives.
Bob & Marilyn Trinder

Every Child Matters-Orange Shirt Day

Hello Parish Family,

We will remember Every Child Matters on Sunday, September, 25th and we would love to see everyone in an orange shirt!

This year we have an opportunity to purchase shirts from Atlohsa Family Healing Services.
Note: All proceeds from orange shirt sales support non-profit agency, Atlohsa Family Healing Services , which assists community members impacted by the legacy of residential schools and colonization.

Shirt sizes run from Adult Small to Adult 4XL and Youth XS to Youth XL. T-shirts are 21.99.
They also have sweatshirts in the same sizing for 54.99!

If you are interested in purchasing a shirt (or sweatshirt) please contact Kelly at ktwerdy@outlook.com or text/call 289-686-8328 by Sunday, August 28th.


On Vacation

Starting Monday, July 11 returning Wednesday, August 10 the following are on vacation:

    • Our Priest: The Venerable Sheila Van Zandwyk
    • Our Music Director: Lindsey Mills
    • Our Newsletter

Our Deacon Sandra and our Warden Team, Ray, Barbara & Kelly, will be helping cover office and church needs during this time. Our Honourary Assistants, Donald, Cathie and Wayne will be sharing in covering the Liturgical Services for Sheila. Dorothy Brown will be covering the Liturgical Music for Lindsey. Thank you so much to everyone helping.


BBQThis Sunday June 12th after the 10:30 service

We will have tables & chairs set up for those who are more comfortable sitting at a table.

Hamburgers, Veggie Burgers and Hotdogs, $2.00 each. Pop – $1.00 Water – Free!

*Please bring your own lawn chair and dishes and cutlery* (to save on clean up time!!)

Sign Up sheet for: Your food order and if you can bring: Salad or a Dessert Sheets are in the Front Hall on the bulletin board.

Special Guest Preacher and Celebrant – Rev. Judy Steers!

Psssttttt…. Live Music too !

Fiercely Loved

For the first time, Fiercely Loved will take place in person!

Our third annual diocesan Pride celebration, Fiercely Loved: Born This Way, takes place on Sunday, June 12 at 4:00 p.m. Worshippers can also participate in the service through a livestream on the diocesan Facebook page. This will be a spirited celebration of 2SLGBTQIA+ people in our diocese.

Through song and poetry, visual art and prayer, word and Eucharist, The service will offer an important moment to praise the God who rejoices in the diverse and wonderful ways humanity bears God’s image. Bishop Susan Bell will preside and Bishop Kevin Robertson, area bishop of York Scarborough, will preach. All are welcome – 2SLGBTQ people, allies and advocates alike!
You are Fiercely Loved: Born This Way!



There are many ways that we pray, collectively on Sundays, individually or as families throughout the week and in groups such as our prayer circle.

In the past there was a sheet at the back of the church for people to add names of those in need of prayers which would be included in the Prayers of the People during the Sunday services. We are going to reinstitute that practice. This Sunday you will find a sheet at the back of the church, please feel free to add the name(s) of anyone you know in need of prayers. The sheet will be divided into 3 parts: Thanksgivings, illness/struggles and Deaths.

Please add the name and in the case of Thanksgivings perhaps the reason for the thanksgiving ie. A birth or new job.

There will also be a box at the back of the church with slips for you to fill out for ongoing prayers, this will be utilized by the Prayer Group in their daily prayers. If the need is great or ongoing, please fill out the slip and leave it in the box (this allows for anonymity).

Thank you and please continue to pray individually for those in need, our parish and the world.

Yard Sale


Spring Clean Up time is here!

As you clean up, please consider donating some of your gently used treasures to our yard sale.


Sign up Sheets are on the bulletin board at the front entrance of the church. Please sign up – we need your help.

Items can be dropped off on:

  • Wednesday May 25th between 2-5 pm and 6-8 pm
  • Thursday May 26th between 9 am-noon, 1-4 pm and 6-8 pm
  • Friday May 27th between 9 am and noon only

At: 320 Glendale Ave. St. Catharines, ON L2T 3K7

For more information please call 905-684-0722