Defusing Anger Group

Niagara Life Centre will once again be offering their 6 Weeks to Defuse Anger Course. Anger management teaches individuals how to identify the root causes of their anger and provides strategies that work toward resolving these issues. Techniques to control and cope with anger are taught so that individuals might be freed from the control that anger holds over their lives. This next session begins on Wednesday, October 12th, 2022 from 1 pm – 2:30 pm. The cost for this program is $60, and will be held in person in the NLC community space at 65 Lakeshore Road in St. Catharines. To sign up, visit our website at or call the office at 905-934-0021 to learn more.

Anxiety- Holding Hope Group

Struggling with fear is part of the human experience. However, when our fears and worries prevent us from functioning well in our relationships and daily responsibilities, we may need support. NLC will offer a group therapy experience to assist participants who are experiencing anxiety, especially in relation to life in a post-pandemic world. This 6 week program will begin next on Tuesday, October 12th, 2022, from 1 pm – 2:30 pm. The cost for this program is $60, and will be held in person in the NLC community space at 65 Lakeshore Road in St. Catharines. To sign up, visit our website at or call the office at 905-934-0021.

NLC Banquet And Silent Auction

You are invited to join Niagara Life Centre for our annual fundraising silent auction and banquet on Friday, October 28th, 2022 at the Holiday Inn in St. Catharines. We look forward to an evening hearing more about the centre happenings, time for fellowship with some new and familiar faces, enjoying musical entertainment, and being in awe of God’s work in our client’s lives too. Doors open at 5:30 pm, dinner begins at 6:30 pm. There is no cost to attend, but a free will offering will be collected. To register for your spot or table at the event, please call 905-934-0021, or visit and search “Events”. Seating this year will be limited, so sign up early to save your spot!

October 5

Katherine Hayhoe
Bishop Company Speaker – Dr. Katherine Hayhoe, author of Saving Us: A Climate Scientists Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World. Last year we read Dr. Hayhoe’s book and found her to have some wonderful ideas about examining and facing the differences we often face with our neighbours. Wednesday October 5th via Zoom. For more information please check out the Diocesan Webpage

A message from Floyd Patterson

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Calling all home gardeners – if you have any extra home grown produce you would like to donate to Community Care but can’t deliver it yourself, please feel free to bring it with you to church on Sundays and Floyd Patterson would be happy to take it when he delivers the produce from our community garden. So far this season approximately 125 pounds has been delivered by Floyd usually every Tuesday morning and he would be happy to deliver for others as long as you bring it to the church on Sundays.

Music Ministry Social Gathering: TONIGHT: Fri. Sept. 23rd


We would like to invite you to Our Music Ministry Social to give thanks for all the musical gifts shared in our church. As covid has kept us apart for so long. Now will be a time to get to know our music director Lindsey and find out more about our Music Ministry. Are you a choir member, a musician, do you like to Sing? can you play an Instrument? Come find out more, on Friday, September 23 – 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Wine & cheese, tea & treats and a little sing song.
The Corporation

Charity Bike Ride

Charity bike ride

Saturday October 1, I, Brian Kerley, will be doing another charity bike ride. This one is called the Wild Ride and it is a fundraiser for Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund. He is riding as part of the St. George’s Dragons team (because Transfiguration doesn’t currently have a team (but maybe next year?). Should anyone wish to sponsor me they can hit this link:
Thanks in advance!

Coffee Hour Hosts


If you are interested in hosting coffee hour after church on Sundays, please sign up on the sheet in the entry way, please put you or name next to the date you are interested in hosting on. Interested in hosting a coffee hour but not sure what’s involved?



A brief overview is:

  • You will need to come in a little early to set up and put the coffee and tea on, Chris Attack is happy to help you with that until you feel more comfortable.
  • You will need to provide cream and milk, everything else you’ll need is here.
  • You will also need to clean up afterwards but there are many hands that will help you make light work of that.

Coffee hour is an important time for everyone to visit, check in with each other, share good news or struggles and be there for each other, it is part of our baptismal vows!

Thank you Chris for overseeing this important ministry and everyone for helping out.

Seeking Your Help

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At Sheila’s request we are asking for your input and hopefully involvement, regarding the provision of receptions at the church. In the past it was organized by the Wednesday morning group with the assistance of members of the ACW members and a few other parish members.

Unfortunately over the past several years active membership in the Wednesday morning and ACW groups has dwindled significantly. We have lost key people who were previously involved and some are no longer able to help in the same way because of health/family issues etc. Others are in a care setting now or have moved into retirement settings.

If you are interested please speak with either Jean Eaton, or myself. We would be delighted to have more people become involved and can tell you what has been done in the past. Alternatively you may have experience in offering this type of service and can bring new ideas into the group.

Jean Eaton can be reached at 905-682-3939. Messages can be left on her answering machine if she is not available when you call. I, (Marilyn Trinder} can be reached at 905-684-9671. You may leave a message on our answering machine, if no one picks up or alternatively send me an email at:

On behalf of Jean and myself and in speaking for all who have previously been involved, we welcome new participants and thank you all, for your consideration for this request.
Enjoy your day and thanks again. Jean and Marilyn