Thank You


Thanks to all who participated in our MAP program. The results of the fourth session are attached. These are the initiatives we voted for. Thanks to all who attended the lunch and a special thanks to those who helped with set-up and take-down of the lunch.

We are pleased to let you know that our submission has been accepted and approved by the Diocese. Now we have to do it!

If you see anything on the list that you would like to help with, please reach out to Barbara S., Beth K. or Sheila.
Beth and Barbara

Message from our Prayer Group Team


We always have our community needs in our prayers but the current Transfiguration Prayer List has become very long and we are not always aware of when prayers are no longer requested by those on the list.

We have decided to restructure, therefore we are asking the congregation to submit prayers through writing the request on the paper provided in the Narthex of the church and putting them in the butterfly box or emailing me at

Every 1-3 or 6 months (depending on the requested time) we will be clearing out the requests.
Blessings Jane



We are offering another session of the Revive program. The Revive program answers the question: How do we go from doing ministry for the church to being in a relationship with this life-giving empowering God? We quite simply have to stop. Stop the frantic busyness. Stop the intellectual analysis. Stop the self-reliance. Stop the anxious worrying, and let God renew and revive our hearts and minds. Being in a relationship with God, as with every other healthy relationship we experience, takes time and attention in order for it to grow and deepen. Otherwise, as with other relationships, our connection with God can shrivel and even die if it is left to languish. Revive aims to provide a supportive structure and community to help that relationship reignite and come alive!

Come and enliven your spirit, your connection to God, yourself and others! Please contact Rev. Sheila for more information.



You know the expression, it takes a whole village to raise a child. The same expression holds true for our church community, in the provision of a lovely reception following the Celebration of Life Service for a former minister at Transfiguration Rev Donald Powell and his wife Ginny on September 27th.

We very much appreciate the support of many of our parishioners, in providing sandwiches, cheese/crackers, sweets, fruit tray, veggie tray, and/or monetary donations to enable provision of additional items to complete the reception.

Thank you too for those who came early and prepared the plating of food (and agreeing to wear masks and gloves while doing so); for serving coffee/tea; for monitoring the food tables and clearing away. Kudos too to Bill Muirhead for manning the dishwasher so ably and to Lindsey Mills for table set up, and to those angels who took laundry home at the end of the day.

The Powell Family were so pleased with the reception provided and expressed their deepest thanks to everyone involved, as do we , the coordinators, for your part in making the day a time for their family and friends to gather, reminisce and celebrate the lives of both Don and Ginny.
Blessings to all
Jean, Joan and Marilyn

Defusing Anger Group

Niagara Life Centre will once again be offering their 6 Weeks to Defuse Anger Course. Anger management teaches individuals how to identify the root causes of their anger and provides strategies that work toward resolving these issues. Techniques to control and cope with anger are taught so that individuals might be freed from the control that anger holds over their lives. This next session begins on Wednesday, October 12th, 2022 from 1 pm – 2:30 pm. The cost for this program is $60, and will be held in person in the NLC community space at 65 Lakeshore Road in St. Catharines. To sign up, visit our website at or call the office at 905-934-0021 to learn more.

Anxiety- Holding Hope Group

Struggling with fear is part of the human experience. However, when our fears and worries prevent us from functioning well in our relationships and daily responsibilities, we may need support. NLC will offer a group therapy experience to assist participants who are experiencing anxiety, especially in relation to life in a post-pandemic world. This 6 week program will begin next on Tuesday, October 12th, 2022, from 1 pm – 2:30 pm. The cost for this program is $60, and will be held in person in the NLC community space at 65 Lakeshore Road in St. Catharines. To sign up, visit our website at or call the office at 905-934-0021.

NLC Banquet And Silent Auction

You are invited to join Niagara Life Centre for our annual fundraising silent auction and banquet on Friday, October 28th, 2022 at the Holiday Inn in St. Catharines. We look forward to an evening hearing more about the centre happenings, time for fellowship with some new and familiar faces, enjoying musical entertainment, and being in awe of God’s work in our client’s lives too. Doors open at 5:30 pm, dinner begins at 6:30 pm. There is no cost to attend, but a free will offering will be collected. To register for your spot or table at the event, please call 905-934-0021, or visit and search “Events”. Seating this year will be limited, so sign up early to save your spot!