A Message from Steff:

Dear Parish Family,

This week in the mail we received a nice surprise: three thank-you notes from our FACS Christmas sponsees! Please see the CYFM bulletin board if you would like to read them, along with a lovely note from the FACS staff. I’d like to thank all of you again as well, for your continued support and generosity!


Thank You And Welcome

Thank you Luke

For the last seven years Luke Herman has been the caretaker for our church, he was instrumental in keeping the building sanitized and safe for all during Covid. Luke completed his employment with us at the end of January and has started studies in Accounting. We wish Luke all the best in his studies other endeavours in life.

Welcome Shirley

A warm welcome to our new custodian Shirley Delaney. Shirley has over seven years of experience in custodial work and we look forward to many years of working together. Welcome Shirley.

Niagara Ice Dogs Tickets and Outing

Ice Dogs

Folks, time is running out to sign you, your neighbours or even friends and family up for our upcoming outing to the Niagara Ice Dogs! It’s Feb. 19th (Sunday) after church, 2:00 p.m. at the Meridian Centre vs. The Sudbury Wolves. The more we get signed and attending, the more we save on ticket prices. Should be a fun outing. Hope to see you there. Just sign up in the Narthex on the bulletin board.

Memorial Flowers


Anyone wishing to place memorial flowers in the sanctuary (church), please sign up on the request sheet on the bulletin board. We need to have your name and the date you request the flowers, as well as an indication of who they are for. Example: In memory of loved ones, or the person’s name and/or relationship and/or a special occasion. You can place memorial flowers anytime of the year. If you have any questions, please speak to Elsie.



2023 Envelopes will be ready for pick up this Sunday. 2022 Tax Receipts will be sent out by the beginning of February, thank you to everyone for their givings this year that have allowed us to continue to do the ministry God has called us to.

Emotionally Healthy Woman

Group Description:
Emotionally Healthy Woman is an 8 week program that will guide you on how to draw into your God-given capacity and prepare you to lead a balanced and emotionally healthy life. When God created you, he built in you all the qualities you need to have a good life! This program will lead you on a process to find these qualities and harness them.

Group Start Date:
Friday, January 20th, 2023 12 – 2pm
This group will be meeting in person at the NLC community space at:
65 Lakeshore Road, St. Catharines
Cost: $80 ($10/session)
To register please call our office at: 905-934-0021

Book Study


Here’s your chance to meet and discuss a book with the Author! Beginning on January 16th at 1:00 Eleanor Johnston will be leading a discussion for 5 weeks on her book Churchland. The books are $10.00 and can be purchased here at the church. Join Eleanor for a lively discussion on life in the church.

Meetings are every Monday afternoon at 1:00 for 1 hour, starting Jan 16th until Feb 13th.

A Message From The Silent Auction Team

Snow storm
“It was a dark and stormy night….” (As you all know!).

This year’s Silent Auction was, er, somewhat of a success. Due to a heavy fall of snow, the committee had to come up with a Plan B and C! The actual night of the auction, we had 24 people brave the elements to attend, including three folks from “The Terrace” (one elderly lady with a walker!). We had the Leafs on the three Big screens, everyone put in one or two bids in, and I think everyone went home with a door prize! We opened for bidding on the Sunday to allow our parishioners, and Christ Abundant people to bid, then again in the evening (we had two people come in). Then for final bids we opened up again on Monday evening, attended by a few more people. So, it was an eventful Auction to say the least. Although all the monies have not come in (we are still selling not-bid-on items), but we’ll make over $4,000.00; not bad considering the weather, poor attendance, and so on. So we’ll do it again next year (sans snow?), and hopefully we’ll make a bit more. So thanks to the committee, and those who helped out a great deal (esp. Kelly and Erin!), those who contributed items, and those who bid. See y’all next year!
The Silent Auction Committee: Jeanette & Donald Alsop, Nancy and Ray Elder

FACS Adopt-a-Youth

Adopt A Youth

We are still in need of several items for two of our the local people we are sponsoring, and in desperate need of gift cards for our people we are sponsoring in the Northwest Territories. Our donations will be just about all these young women get for Christmas, and so I hope we can all strive to complete their wish lists. Most of the big items have been purchased, with just some smaller items being requested. However, we are still very low on gift cards for our third young woman. I need to have all gifts received by Sunday, December 11 at the absolute latest. NO late donations will be accepted, as I will be unable to get them to people we are sponsoring.

I know this is a very demanding time of year for everyone, and I so greatly appreciate everyone’s generosity, as we extend Jesus’ love into the community!