A Message From Steff Doan

For Christmas this year, we will again be sponsoring young people in need through FACS Niagara’s ‘Adopt-A-Youth’ program. We will be sponsoring three young adults who have recently moved out on their own. I have posted all three forms on the CYFM board- if there is an item you wish to donate, please check the box and print your name on the line next to it. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me in person or at transfigcyfm@gmail.com.

All items are needed by Sunday, December 17th at the absolute latest. (If you wish to donate financially, please do so by Sunday, December 10th)

Thank-you in advance! Last year was so successful and we are excited to get to do this again!

December Messy Church

December’s Messy Church is going to be held on Christmas Eve Sunday, December 24th at the 10:30am service. This will be a children and family-oriented service, with familiar Christmas Carols and an improv-style narration of the Christmas Story. Join us for cookies and hot chocolate afterwards.

Brock Soup Help

This Wednesday December 6th we are serving soup to Brock students again. Please if you’re able to make some soup call Rev. Sheila or add your name to the list on the bulletin board.

Please put your name on the base and lid of your crockpot so that we return everyone’s to them and please also put the type of soup on the crockpot. The vegetarian options are wonderful although there are lots of those who like meat as well and chilli is a really big hit.

Thank you so much for your help with this!

Vendor Sale Update & Thank You

ThankYou spray

We now have a final tally on our vendor sale…we made $2,399.50! Thank you again to everyone who helped out, who had tables, and especially those that shopped! We couldn’t have done it without you. Sorry for the delay, unfortunately I got sick right after the vendor sale so my co-workers sold the leftover popcorn for me, once I was well enough to return to the office I was able to add that to our total.
Thank you once again!

Thank You From Silent Auction Committee


On behalf of the Silent Auction Committee, we would like to sincerely thank all of you who participated in this year’s Silent Auction. All of you who donated items, attended the event, bid on items, took items home, and helped throughout the evening. We are not going to name people, because with so many helpers we may miss someone! It takes a whole Team to make an evening like this so special, and worthy of all the work it takes to pull this off. We had a record number of items submitted (180!), and for the night, a record amount of much- needed cash brought it (somewhere in the neighbourhood of $5,000.00!). For those who participated, it warms our hearts to know you all come together at just the right time to make this such a memorable evening. To those that could not attend, come next year, bring a friend, and see what you missed! See you in 2024!

The Silent Auction Committee: Jeanette, Don, Nancy and Ray

Silent Auction

Silent Auction Poster 2023 11 17
Today! November 17, 2023 at 7 PM

Free Admission with a non-perishable food item or a loonie per person, and those proceeds will be donated to Community Care, so the more people come the more will be donated!

As usual there will be a “Quick Auction” along with door prizes. So, please plan to attend, bring your friends, relatives, neighbours, and anyone else you know for a great evening.



Jeanette Alsop who will be receiving the Order of Niagara Sunday, November 12 at the 4:00 p.m. Service at the Cathedral in Hamilton.

Everyone from the church is invited and we would like to encourage everyone to come out and Celebrate with Jeanette and her family.

If you are able to attend, would you please email Lindsey at the office, by noon on Thursday as we are trying to get an approximate number of people so we can let the Cathedral know.

Here is the site and directions to the Cathedral:

Vendor Sale This Saturday

Vendor Fair
Vendor sale this saturday – 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Drop off craft or bake sale items:
Friday: 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Thank you thank you thank you for all those able to help with this wonderful Parish Fundraiser – everything helps.

And thank you to Kelly and her team for all their hard work getting this all together for us.

Come on out and have fun – tell your family & friends – come one – come all!

You’re Invited to a Town Hall Meeting

MAP Study

In the coming weeks, we’ll be canvassing people from across the diocese about what you believe are the most important priorities for our ministries, where you see the Spirit leading our diocese, and to gauge support for a major stewardship campaign. The goal of the proposed campaign is to lift up the ministry of our parishes and missions and to resource their vitally important ministries, which serve as the face and hands of Christ in our community. In November we will also be holding four town hall meetings. These meetings are open to everyone to learn more about the proposed campaign, ask questions, and complete a survey.

Thursday, November 9, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Church of the Transfiguration, 320 Glenridge Avenue, St. Catharines

An online survey, along with a fact sheet detailing the potential campaign priorities, will be available soon at https://niagaraanglican.ca/survey.