Thank you to everyone who helped and came out to support the pancake supper because you did we made a $1,000 to go toward the ministry of the Transfiguration.
Author: admin
Bishop Coming
Bishop Susan will be with us this Sunday, 10:30 a.m. service only. We will not be having an 8:30 a.m. service.
Evensong Service
This Sunday at 4:00 the Rev. Pamela Guyatt will be installed as a Canon of the Cathedral. Everyone is invited. If you can’t get to Hamilton the service will be live streamed.
Congratulations Rev. Pam!
Messy Church
This coming Friday
Summer Vacation Bible School
Church Calendars
The 2024 Church Calendars have arrived, they are $5 each. They are beautiful! The photos inside are from Churches across Canada. We have limited supply, if you want to reserve one email or call the office and Lindsey will put your name on one.
Ash Wednesday Service
Ash Wednesday Services will be held 10:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m., February 14th.
Bible Study Group
With Ven. Sheila. Our Friday morning Bible Study has started and runs from Friday January 26th until February 9th. We start at 10:30 and wrap up around 11:30. Everyone is welcome to come and explore the Bible and its relevance to our lives today (and it is relevant!) Meeting Room.
Vestry Reports Due
No later than this Thursday, January 25. Please get them to Lindsey as soon as possible. This is a big project so please take the time to get your reports done to help ease the heavy workload. Lindsey thanks you big time.
A Message From the Kitchen
The cleaning crew found several dishes from food and goodies people brought into the Church over time. Chris will put these dishes out in the Fireside Room on Sunday Jan 21. If you have left any dishes, please pick them up otherwise they will be donated.
Intention Letters
We will be holding a budget planning meeting next week, if you have not handed in your intention letter and would like to pass along your intentions please feel free to email me at or call me at the office.
This Tuesday: Help Needed Please
Chris needs helpers to clean kitchen Tuesday, January 16 @ 9:30 a.m. Our
Health and Inspection Team is coming to inspect our Kitchen and we need to be sure everything is in order. Please talk to Chris for more details.
A Message From Kelly
Your donation envelopes and offering numbers will be issued as soon as Charmaine, our Envelope Secretary, returns from vacation. Please use a blank envelope or one from last year if you have any extra. If you have any questions, contact Kelly.
Church Office Closed During Christmas
Closed Monday, December 25 and reopening Wednesday January 3, 2024 Ven. Sheila and Lindsey will be away during this time.
A Big Thank You!
Our Advent bake sake brought in a total of $541. Thank you to everyone who purchased and a special thanks to our bakers!
Christmas Letters are ready
Please pick up your Christmas Letter on Sunday. Also, if you know anyone who is not here, and you can deliver their letter it would be so helpful. Help us save on the cost of stamps.
Christmas Singing
A Message From Steff Doan
For Christmas this year, we will again be sponsoring young people in need through FACS Niagara’s ‘Adopt-A-Youth’ program. We will be sponsoring three young adults who have recently moved out on their own. I have posted all three forms on the CYFM board- if there is an item you wish to donate, please check the box and print your name on the line next to it. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me in person or at
All items are needed by Sunday, December 17th at the absolute latest. (If you wish to donate financially, please do so by Sunday, December 10th)
Thank-you in advance! Last year was so successful and we are excited to get to do this again!
December Messy Church
December’s Messy Church is going to be held on Christmas Eve Sunday, December 24th at the 10:30am service. This will be a children and family-oriented service, with familiar Christmas Carols and an improv-style narration of the Christmas Story. Join us for cookies and hot chocolate afterwards.
Advent In Colour
We are offering take-home booklets for Advent, with four weekly devotionals. They have been designed in colouring-book style to spark your creativity. These are no-charge, and are available at the back of the church.