A Message From Steff: Back To School

Donations Needed 2

It’s that time of year again: our friends at Community Care St Catharines are accepting donations for back to school supplies! All items are still needed and appreciated, but they are particularly in need of larger (senior) backpacks, and running shoes. Monetary donations and gift cards to SportChek and Walmart are also greatly appreciated, so that the coordinators can shop for specifics. Please note all items must be Brand New! The deadline is Sunday August 18th

Thank you all so much, as always, for your support and humbling generosity to our community kiddos!

News About Our Refugee Family

Our wonderful refugee family that Transfiguration Sponsored from Myanmar has grown by one. Eh blut muso’s new daughter, Eliana.

Karen and I went to Hamilton today to meet the new arrival a beautiful wee, perfect girl who is the joy of the family. She is surrounded by love and has brought sunshine to the family who dote on her and no wonder, she is perfect in every way. Eh blut’s brothers are so attentive to the baby and just couldn’t do enough for Karen and me. Both are going into skilled trades when they finish school as is Eh ku ku so. She plans to go into nursing. Eh blut has plans put on hold for now with the baby to care for. Eh blut’s boyfriend also lives in the apartment and he works with Tohar in
the florist industry. Amazing! I asked Eh blut if they need anything and she said not really but she always needs diapers and formula. The Karen church has been so very helpful to them as well as to the tight knit Karen community. We were so moved by the way the family works in their own way but are totally happy they moved to Canada and thanks our church for sponsoring them.
Love to all, JoAnne and Karen



Congrats & Thank You from Kari V

I am thrilled to announce that we received $240.80 for our June Loonie Toonie Sunday last week. This is more than double to what we received on May 26 which was $111.80. We also received our first $50.00 bill woohoo. Thank you to everyone who was able to donate.

Kitchen Help Reminder

Kitchen Help

Please ensure sugar is replaced into large, sealed container, and please
ensure no food at all is left open (on counter tops, shelves etc.). Please clean sinks and be sure there are no food particles to attract ants. Also make sure all lights are off and all doors are locked.

Thank You Thank You Thank You

Nancy Patterson

Tuesday, June 11 @ 12:00 Noon

A huge thank you to all who supported the reception held this past Tuesday as family and friends gathered at the church for their final goodbyes to Nancy Patterson, a loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, fellow parishioner and friend to many.

Through the generosity of many who shared their time; made sandwiches, provided baked goods, fruit trays and /or provided monetary donations to purchase additional items we say thank you.

To those who came ahead of time on Monday to set up the space in readiness for the reception on Tuesday, and for those who came early on Tuesday to assemble trays of sandwiches and plates of home baking; staying to monitor the tables and attend to the clearing away and to Bill Muirhead who is our dishwasher extraordinaire. We thank you.

For Venerable Sheila, who even though she was on Vacation returned to officiate at the funeral…always caring for her flock…we thank you. For our Deacon, Sandra Thomson whose helpful presence and wonderful voice in reading the Gospel. We thank you.

To Lindsey Mills for always providing her support so willingly for the little issues that always seem to crop up at the last minute and for her beautiful voice and music ability We thank you.
Jean Eaton and Marilyn Trinder, Co-convenors

Thank You Thank You Thank You

Thank you note2

To all our parishioners who helped to provide a very lovely reception on June 1st following the Celebration of Life service for the late Rev. Dorothy Hewlett. Dorothy’s family and friends found it an easy venue where they could share memories of times shared with Dorothy. They were delighted with the reception we were able to provide. Although Dorothy had worshipped with us at Transfiguration for a relatively short period of time she had endeared herself to all of us.

So many parishioners participated , providing their time and talent; making sandwiches; providing baked goods; offering monitory donations to purchase additional items. Thank you Joan for your telephone recruiting for food and help. Also to Chris and Jeanette who helped with table setup Fri evening after Messy Church and to the dedicated volunteers who arrived early Saturday morning to cut and plate sandwiches and sweets, monitor and refill food trays and stayed for the overall cleanup following the reception. We couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you to all.

With affection,
Marilyn and Jean

Funeral For Rev. Dorothy Hewlett This Saturday

Celebration of Life

It is with sorrow that we share the news of the death of the Reverend Dorothy Hewlett on March 21, 2024. Ordained in 2000, Dorothy served as assistant curate at St. Simon’s in Oakville before being appointed as the rector of Christ Church, McNab and St. George’s, Homer. She also served as pastoral associate at St. John the Evangelist, Niagara Falls before retiring in 2022. In 2024, Dorothy was going to become an Honourary Assistant at the Church of the Transfiguration.

Please hold Dorothy’s family, friends, and colleagues in your prayers as they mourn. A service to celebrate her life will be held at: Church of the Transfiguration (320 Glenridge Avenue St. Catharines, ON L2T 3K7) on June 1 at 11:00am.
May she rest in peace and rise in glory!

Yard Sale

Yard Sale

Yard Sale This Saturday

Church Fundraiser

Thank you to everyone who shared their gift of time, donated items and supported us with their purchases. We made over $2,000

Can You Help – We have a few boxes left

As mentioned on Sunday we have several boxes of items left over from our Yard Sale. If you are able to help take a box or two to one of the benefit shops that would be so helpful. You can pick them up after Church on Sunday and or Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday during office hours (9-1). Thanks so much!

Here are the Hours and Locations: Christian Benefit Shop (MCC) and Value Village. Please note: The Christian Benefit Shop (MCC) does not take any Christmas Items.