Vendor Fair 2024

Special thanks to everyone who volunteered, had a table, baked, provided soup, and shopped at our vendor sale. Traffic seemed to be low this year, so we did not make budget. Current total raised is $1137.00, with some more funds to come in from the left-over popcorn.

Congrats Loonie Toonie Winners

Loonie Toonie Fundraiser

Congrats Loonie Toonie Winners

1st prize – Dorothy Hulan
$ 125 Gift Cards
Donated by: Butcher & Banker Fonthill, Sobeys Fonthill
Fresco’s St Catharines & Dominics on 20 Fonthill

2nd Prize – Ray Elder
$ 50 Gift Card donated by:
Betty’s Restaurant and Kari & Lindsey Vanderzee-Mills

3rd Prize $ 20 – Eleanor Johnson
Donated by: Food Basics, Fonthill

Thank you to everyone who participated and thank you Kari V for all your work to make this fun fundraiser.

Thank You From Marilyn

ThankYou spray.

To our Parish Family, I extend my heartfelt thanks to all who responded to our invitation to join us for lunch following church on October 6th to help kick off a week of festivities for Bob, honouring him as he celebrated his 100th birthday. It was wonderful to have so many share with us in the joy of the day.

A huge thank you to Sheila for asking the blessing; to Ray Elder for the delicious birthday cake; to Nancy his wife for taking so many photos and printing up pictures for us and to Ayo Adewumi for the amazing video he sent to us capturing the event so well. As well I thank my family for the room setup and dismantle and for all necessary kitchen chores handled so capably.

Thanks also to our parish family for the many lovely birthday cards received and/ or messages written in the birthday memory book. Also for your many contributions of cereal boxes and jars of peanut butter and cheese whiz . These have all been designated towards the
Breakfast Program where they will help to feed those less fortunate.

Years ago Bob’s sons and their friends gave Bob the nickname of BTO (Bob Trinder OverDrive). Always on the go! Somethings never change as he has just left the house for yet another game of golf :). We are indeed blessed to have him still enjoying such a full life.
Bless you all, Marilyn

A Message from Kelly

PWRDF lunch supporting Indigenous programs

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our lunch on Sept 29. We raised $712.55 for PWRDF. There are still some soups and chilis in the freezer if you would like to
purchase a bowl @ $5.

Christmas Music Ministry – Rehearsals Resume: Thursday October 17

The Transfiguration Choir, Worship Band and Prelude Artists are back! We are starting our preparations for Advent & Christmas. Our practices are Thursday 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. and Sundays 10:00 a.m. If you do not think you can commit for a year but might like to join us for our Advent & Christmas Liturgies to help lead the Music during our services that would be super! Visit our website for more details:

If you would like to come and join the fun, please talk to our Music Director Lindsey Mills.

Come on! Come on! You know you want to!

The Season of Creation

Christians around the world are invited to give particular attention to praying and caring for God’s creation as part of the global Season of Creation, observed from September 1 to October 4 every year. General Synod 2019 passed a resolution adopting the Season of Creation in the Anglican Church of Canada as a time of prayer, education and action, and encouraging dioceses and parishes to participate.

This year we will be celebrating with prayer and conversation. During the worship services we will be engaged in praying for the wonderful gift of creation. I also encourage you to remember the blessings we receive from the natural world in your own prayers.

We will also be engaging in discussions around creation and the future of our world through a video and discussion series called Profuture Faith: The Prodigal Species Comes Home with renowned eco-theologian, author, and TEDx speaker, Rev. Michael Dowd.

Sign Up sheets will be in the Narthex, all welcome!