This Sunday come celebrate with us to honour Kelly and Eleanor for their Order of Niagara. There will be cake after the 10:30 Service.
Author: admin
The Tree Is Trimmed!
On Friday December 6, six little elves from our congregation helped to put up and decorate our gorgeous Christmas tree in the Sanctuary! Many thanks to Marg Smith, Elsie Bedford-Jones, Charmaine and Roger Herman, and Ray & Nancy Elder.
Tree Trimming Party Tonight Friday December 6th
Friday December 6th from 7-8:30 we will be trimming the Christmas tree here at Transfiguration. All help gratefully received! Hot Chocolate and Christmas music provided.
Come and get your jingle on!!
Wrapping Party – This Saturday Decmber 7th
Roadshow Concert – This Sunday December 8th @ 7pm
Messy Church Friday November 29th
Purdy’s Chocolate Fundraiser
We are excited to offer Purdy’s chocolate as a fundraiser this Fall in preparation for Advent. Deadline for orders is November 21.
Here is the link to order from our fundraising campaign:
And here is a link for the Purdy’s catalogue:
If you are interested in Advent Calendars, they unfortunately cannot be purchased through our campaign, but can be purchased directly from Purdy’s here:
Talk to Katherine for more details
Coffee Hour Help Needed
If you are able to help with Coffee after church, please sign up on the bulletin board.
Brock Frozen Meals Ministry Is Resuming
Please make sure you use the meal labels provided (a sample below)
Thank You
Thank you Ray, Nancy, Jeannette and Don for a fun and successful event.
A Message From Steff
We are still in need of these items by December 6th. Please tell Steff ASAP if you are able to bring in any of the following. Thank you so much! Steff
- Bath towels (3 sets)
- Bed Sheets (Double; Grey/Neutral)
- Blanket (Double; Grey/Neutral)
- Wash cloths (2 sets)
- Socks (Size 10)
- Slippers (Size 10)
- Boxers (Size L)
- Sweatshirt (Size L)
- Shirts (Size L)
- Socks (Size 7-11; Black)
- Slippers (Size 7-11; Black)
- Pyjamas (Size M; any colour)
- Sweatshirt (Size M; any colour)
- Sweatshirt (XL)
- Slippers (Size 12+)
Personal Care
- Kleenex
- Toilet Paper
- Paper Towels
- Laundry Soap
- Dryer Sheets
- Baking Sheet
- Mixing Bowls
- Measuring cups
- Cooking Utensils
- Silverware set
- Food storage containers
- Plastic wrap
- Tin foil
- Baggies
- Emergency first aid kit
- Basic Tool kit x 2
- Dish Soap
- Scrub Brush
Readers and Intercessors
All readers and Intercessors are asked to attend a workshop on Sunday November 17th after the 10:30 service. Best practices and helpful hints will be shared.
Please plan to attend.
Niagara International Students (NIS), Winter Clothing Drive
Fall is here and winter is around the corner. Many International Students come to Canada without proper winter gear. One of the ways NIS seeks to support/bless them is by hosting a Winter Clothing Give Away on Nov. 20 at Brock. We are looking for good, used, winter coats, gloves, winter boots and blankets.
Please connect with Hilda Vander Klippe at if you have items to donate. Thank you so much! Together, with God’s help we are making a difference in the lives of many International Students! For more information on NIS check out
Transgender Day of Remembrance
November 20, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m.
Join us for a time of Vigil and Prayer
November 20 is the Trans Day of Remembrance, a day on which we pause to remember the trans lives lost and to anti-trans violence. This day calls for an end to hatred and violence against trans and non-binary people. Statistics show trans communities, and in particular trans people of colour face some of the highest rates of violent crime. 70% of trans and non-binary youth face some form of sexual harassment, or violence and are twice as likely to have thoughts of self-harm in their lifetime.
To honour these lives, the day will be observed with a time of vigil and prayer, beginning at 7 pm at St. George’s Anglican Church in St. Catharines (83 Church Street). All are welcome to attend this diocesan service. The day follows Transgender Awareness Week, observed annually from November 13-19. The week honours the lives of trans and non-binary people and their contributions. It also aims to increase awareness, visibility, and knowledge of trans people and the issues faced by members of the trans community.
“Through baptism, we commit to respecting the dignity of every human being,” says Bishop Susan Bell. “Tragically, violence committed against trans people is a pervasive, persistent, and deeply concerning problem. As God’s beloved children, we recognize the image of Christ in every trans person.”
Games Night Extravaganza! – This Saturday
Order of Niagara Service – This Sunday
On Sunday November 17th at 4:00pm at the Cathedral in Hamilton, Eleanor Johnston and Kelly Twerdy will be receiving the Order of Niagara.
Please join them in this celebration.
Vendor Fair 2024
Special thanks to everyone who volunteered, had a table, baked, provided soup, and shopped at our vendor sale. Traffic seemed to be low this year, so we did not make budget. Current total raised is $1137.00, with some more funds to come in from the left-over popcorn.
Season Of Creation Study Sessions
This Week: Tuesdays 6:30-8:00 p.m.
September 24 to November 19, 2024
The Bigger Questions Group
Big Questions Discussion Group Mondays at 2:00 pm. Upcoming dates:
Nov. 11, Nov. 25 and Dec. 9
The 2025 Canadian Church Calendar Is Now available
2025 Church Calendars are here – Get yours while they last. $ 6 each.