Struggling with fear is part of the human experience. However, when our fears and worries prevent us from functioning well in our relationships and daily responsibilities, we may need support. NLC will offer a group therapy experience to assist participants who are experiencing anxiety, especially in relation to life in a post-pandemic world. This 6 week program will begin next on Tuesday, October 12th, 2022, from 1 pm – 2:30 pm. The cost for this program is $60, and will be held in person in the NLC community space at 65 Lakeshore Road in St. Catharines. To sign up, visit our website at or call the office at 905-934-0021.
Author: admin
NLC Banquet And Silent Auction
You are invited to join Niagara Life Centre for our annual fundraising silent auction and banquet on Friday, October 28th, 2022 at the Holiday Inn in St. Catharines. We look forward to an evening hearing more about the centre happenings, time for fellowship with some new and familiar faces, enjoying musical entertainment, and being in awe of God’s work in our client’s lives too. Doors open at 5:30 pm, dinner begins at 6:30 pm. There is no cost to attend, but a free will offering will be collected. To register for your spot or table at the event, please call 905-934-0021, or visit and search “Events”. Seating this year will be limited, so sign up early to save your spot!
Readings For Sunday October 9th, 2022
Creator of the fruitful earth,
you made us stewards of all things.
Give us grateful hearts for all your goodness,
and steadfast wills to use your bounty well,
that the whole human family,
today and in generations to come,
may with us give thanks for the riches of your creation.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord.
Deuteronomy 8:7-18
Psalm 65
2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Luke 17:11-19
Reflection from: Rev. Wayne Fraser Oct. 9, 2022
The passages of scripture for Sunday remind us to be thankful for the great gift of life: “Do not worry about anything,” writes St. Paul. Jesus invites us to see life from a spiritual perspective, to see the ordinary fabric of our lives in a renewed way, “from above.” We often lose sight of the sheer wonder of living, but to be present to the gift of life, even and especially in the midst of our daily toils, can alter our attitude, change our behaviour and actually improve our overall health. “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough,” wrote Meister Eckhart (14th century German theologian).
Gratitude contributes to happiness. And gratitude practiced daily can create resilience, can actually strengthen us, empower us, get us through the night and the day. Gratitude is emotional, ethical and eternal.
The spiritual and the physical, scientists demonstrate, are indeed closely connected. A relatively new branch of science called Positive Psychology seeks to study the impact and influence of positive emotions and character traits. This movement tries to examine what makes life good. Not surprisingly, Gratitude is one of those positive factors attracting attention. Science confirms what we were taught at a young age: “Thank you” is truly the magic word. Gratitude contributes to happiness. And gratitude practiced daily can create resilience, can actually strengthen us, empower us, get us through the night and the day. Gratitude is emotional, ethical and eternal.
Diana Butler-Bass, contemporary theologian and writer, has published a book titled Gratitude wherein she explores, as her subtitle says, “The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks.” I have read the book but I have also listened to an hour-long lecture by her on the topic and book. I encourage you to Google her lecture and listen to it: out/
The Christian faith is meant to be transformative, to change us, so meditative practices, reading, prayer, church attendance, should help us to change our hearts and minds and souls and thereby to love God with all our strength. It doesn’t happen by itself. We have to work at it, and even just a little effort can produce positive change.
There are practical ways to encourage gratitude, to cultivate gratitude within us, even and especially when we aren’t feeling particularly grateful. An ancient Jewish morning prayer goes like this: “I thank You, living and eternal King, who has returned my soul into me with compassion—great is Your faithfulness!” Awaking each morning is an obvious source of gratitude, but one that we often lose sight of in our hectic days. How often do we get the chance to stop and thank God for the miracle of our own existence? To encourage gratitude within, keep a gratitude diary, list the things or people or events that happen in a day for which you are grateful. When feeling despondent, read the diary. Add to it. What or who in your past influenced you positively and creates gratitude within. Express gratitude to someone, in your present life or in your past. Write a thank-you note or letter. Simply say thank-you to people in your daily life. Scientists demonstrate that the practice of gratitude has a positive effect on your brain and body. It’s healthy for you. And like any spiritual practice, it grows and deepens the more you practice it. Butler-Bass argues that besides being an emotion, gratitude is also ethical, that is, a way of living that we can choose to follow. Practice gratitude, do thankfulness, freely give without thought or hope of return, and it can heal yourself or another person, who in turn might pass it on and thereby improve the common good, make our communities healthier.
Butler-Bass takes this analysis one step further to demonstrate the politics of gratitude. As a student of the Bible, she recognizes the structure of dominant societies described there and sees a pyramid shape, a top-down system of gratitude, whereby the ones at the top give to the ones below in order to buy loyalty and wealth. The ones below are expected to be grateful and give back in the form of taxes and tribute. The ones at the bottom are burdened by a debt of gratitude. Payment is exacted from them; it’s not feely given. And they have no choice but to give because if you don’t want to “render unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar,” then Caesar will throw you into prison or crucify you.
Into this corrupt system of gratitude enters Jesus who proposes an alternative system, symbolized by a table, hospitality, sharing abundance freely. “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors,” is the correct translation of the original Aramaic. By realizing that there is abundant grace and compassion, the all- encompassing love of God, freely given and available for all, we are enabled to share the world’s abundance. Ghandi said, “there is enough in our world to feed everyone’s need, not everyone’s greed.” Jesus’ vision of the Kingdom of God is a radical alternative to the traditional power structure of not only his society but also ours today, which is designed to feed wealth and power to the few on top. We do not have to be dependent on or burdened by this oppressive structure, we do not have to participate in it, we can indeed “forgive our debtors,” and seek to transform not only ourselves but also our society by working for the common good. We can practice a politics of gratitude.
Finally, Gratitude is eternal. Jesus pointed to love as the definition of God; God is love and those who know love, know God. Jesus taught us to see God in one another, that when you give a cup of water to the least of these, you give it to God. Our gratitude is expressed in our loving. Love encompasses everything. Bishop John Shelby Spong puts it this way: “If God is the source of life, I worship God by living. If God is the source of love, I worship God by loving. If God is the ground of being, I worship God by having the courage to be more fully human; the embodiment of the divine.” “The daily round, the common task,” this “fragile earth our island home,” can be redeemed, experienced as holy, enchanting, eternal, by cultivating gratitude within and without.
Flowers on the Altar this Sunday
In memory of Rocky, Boulder, Copper & Lila with love Kelly, Lou, Joe & Root.
Also: more flowers in the church today are given in loving memory of Don and Virginia Powell by their family.
Congrats Sheila. This Sunday!
Sunday October 2nd at 4:00pm at Christ Church Cathedral in Hamilton the Venerable Sheila Van Zandwyk with be collated as the Archdeacon of the Lincoln Deanery. All are welcome to attend.
Blessing Of Pets This Sunday!
At the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service: A celebration of St. Francis Day with a Blessing of the Animals. All animals are welcome in the church after a two year absence.
October 5
Bishop Company Speaker – Dr. Katherine Hayhoe, author of Saving Us: A Climate Scientists Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World. Last year we read Dr. Hayhoe’s book and found her to have some wonderful ideas about examining and facing the differences we often face with our neighbours. Wednesday October 5th via Zoom. For more information please check out the Diocesan Webpage
Yoga with Brier Resumes the week of Oct. 4
Classes are drop in. Cost is $5. Tuesdays 9:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Thursdays 9:30 a.m. Everyone welcome.
Note: people with limitations Brier can accommodate so no previous yoga experience is necessary.
A message from Floyd Patterson
Calling all home gardeners – if you have any extra home grown produce you would like to donate to Community Care but can’t deliver it yourself, please feel free to bring it with you to church on Sundays and Floyd Patterson would be happy to take it when he delivers the produce from our community garden. So far this season approximately 125 pounds has been delivered by Floyd usually every Tuesday morning and he would be happy to deliver for others as long as you bring it to the church on Sundays.
Reflection Oct 2: The Rev. Donald Brown
I think this may well be our 21st year of commemorating St. Francis of Assisi with a blessing of the animals. Mostly domestic animals, dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, hamsters, guinea pigs and our friendly chickens.
On these occasions I have spoken/written a fair bit about animals, their relationship to us, their intelligence and intuition, how they help us and how we are to care for them. I have spoken/written a fair bit about creation embedded in the earth, water, and sky and about lightening our footprint on earth.
Compassion acting with compassion, acting with passion is a central idea in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. One of the basic tenets or marks of all the major religions.
This week I am taking a different approach and writing about ministry, a term we use a lot in the church. The broadest definition of ministry rooted in biblical tradition is that we are to be servants, to be helpful, to give aid. Ministry is the living out of the great commandment to Love our Neighbour and Love God.
To go back to the biblical base we are to be merciful as God is merciful, and ministry is about being merciful. We are to be merciful as God is merciful, a frequent phrase in scripture. But another translation is that we are to be compassionate as God is compassionate.
Jesus was a person of compassion. Perhaps when we think of the word compassionate we think it is something strictly emotional, a little soft and fuzzy, sympathy or empathy. Yet it is more. It is also the rational and involves the ideas of fairness, justice, and interdependence. One dictionary definition says compassion is the consciousness of distress and the desire to alleviate it, a definition not restricted just to people in distress.
Compassion/acting with compassion, acting with passion is a central idea in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. One of the basic tenets or marks of all the major religions.
But what is it we are called to do? What is it that are we passionate about? What is it that we do with compassion? We feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick, pray, foster community, reach out to others; we do things for and with others. These ministries involve many different people and many different activities. There are those who work at community care and the breakfast program, those who visit in the hospitals, those who volunteer in hospitals and care homes, those who cook for others, those who help neighbours, and those who assist with worship duties. This is by no means an exhaustive list, yet all of these are done quietly with no call for recognition.
And for some ministry is embedded in our vocations—doctors, nurses, counsellors, aids for the physically and mentally challenged, teachers and so on.
What is your passion? What is your ministry? And what about St. Francis?
Francis saw that all of nature reflected God; that we can know and see the presence of God in the earth, in the sky and in the ocean, all the creatures and plants. Francis took a special interest in the creatures around him. He saw that his calling, and though he was disparaged by his family and the powers in Rome, he continued on.
For St. Francis to love God was to love all of creation. To love God was to care for all of creation.
Frances was not alone in his understanding of God and creation. In the 11th and 12th centuries Christian mystics like Julian of Norwich, Hildegard of Bingen, and Meister Eckhart all wrote and taught this understanding.
Julian for example wrote:
God is the maker of all things.
God is everything that is good,
and the goodness which is there in all things is God.
Hildegard wrote:
Glance at the sun
See the moon and stars
Gaze at the beauty of earth’s greenings
What delight God gives us with all these things.
We are to work with creation, for without it we cannot survive for creation, for all of creation needs our loving help.,
We are to work
This kind of understanding is referred to as Creation Centered Spirituality which in our time has been brought to the attention of many believers by Matthew Fox, a teacher, theologian, author, historian and pastor.
He calls us to recognize creation as the Original Blessing of God. celebrating
- the beauty of the fall leaves
- the magic of a starlit night
- the wonder of flowers
- the variety of creatures and critters
We need to be involved in ministry with creation, to recognize where there is distress and work to alleviate it, to be helpful and good stewards. Just like our ministry with one another, we will not all do the same thing. We have to match a cause to our time, talent and treasure.
We have to discover our passion for creation. And find our ministry and act with compassion.
The Dalai Lama says:
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion—if you want to be happy, practice compassion
To extend this idea to creation if we want creation to be happy, practice compassion, if we want to be happy practice compassion.
Flower on the Altar this Sunday
A member of our parish family has gifted flowers to our altar this Sunday in loving memory of all the residential school children.
Music Ministry Social Gathering: TONIGHT: Fri. Sept. 23rd
We would like to invite you to Our Music Ministry Social to give thanks for all the musical gifts shared in our church. As covid has kept us apart for so long. Now will be a time to get to know our music director Lindsey and find out more about our Music Ministry. Are you a choir member, a musician, do you like to Sing? can you play an Instrument? Come find out more, on Friday, September 23 – 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Wine & cheese, tea & treats and a little sing song.
The Corporation
Game Night on Saturday – Sept 24th
All ages are welcome and people are encouraged to bring their favourite game. There will also be cards! Euchre was a real favourite last time we did this lol. It is from 4-7pm and we will serve pizza, with a free-will offering.
Orange Shirt Day Sept 25 This Sunday
We will remember Every Child Matters on Sunday, September, 25th. We would love to see everyone in an orange shirt!
Charity Bike Ride
Saturday October 1, I, Brian Kerley, will be doing another charity bike ride. This one is called the Wild Ride and it is a fundraiser for Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund. He is riding as part of the St. George’s Dragons team (because Transfiguration doesn’t currently have a team (but maybe next year?). Should anyone wish to sponsor me they can hit this link:
Thanks in advance!
Name Tags
We would like everyone to begin wearing name tags again, if you need a name tag, please add your name to the sign up sheet in the entry way and one will be made for you.
Coffee Hour Hosts
If you are interested in hosting coffee hour after church on Sundays, please sign up on the sheet in the entry way, please put you or name next to the date you are interested in hosting on. Interested in hosting a coffee hour but not sure what’s involved?
A brief overview is:
- You will need to come in a little early to set up and put the coffee and tea on, Chris Attack is happy to help you with that until you feel more comfortable.
- You will need to provide cream and milk, everything else you’ll need is here.
- You will also need to clean up afterwards but there are many hands that will help you make light work of that.
Coffee hour is an important time for everyone to visit, check in with each other, share good news or struggles and be there for each other, it is part of our baptismal vows!
Thank you Chris for overseeing this important ministry and everyone for helping out.
Music Ministry
Vocalists, Instrumentalists, Leaders of Song. Everyone Welcome. All ages. Even if you would like to offer a Prelude Song once in a while you are welcome to join. Talk to Lindsey Mills our Music Director for more details or to share your interest. Visit our website for more details:
Seeking Your Help
At Sheila’s request we are asking for your input and hopefully involvement, regarding the provision of receptions at the church. In the past it was organized by the Wednesday morning group with the assistance of members of the ACW members and a few other parish members.
Unfortunately over the past several years active membership in the Wednesday morning and ACW groups has dwindled significantly. We have lost key people who were previously involved and some are no longer able to help in the same way because of health/family issues etc. Others are in a care setting now or have moved into retirement settings.
If you are interested please speak with either Jean Eaton, or myself. We would be delighted to have more people become involved and can tell you what has been done in the past. Alternatively you may have experience in offering this type of service and can bring new ideas into the group.
Jean Eaton can be reached at 905-682-3939. Messages can be left on her answering machine if she is not available when you call. I, (Marilyn Trinder} can be reached at 905-684-9671. You may leave a message on our answering machine, if no one picks up or alternatively send me an email at:
On behalf of Jean and myself and in speaking for all who have previously been involved, we welcome new participants and thank you all, for your consideration for this request.
Enjoy your day and thanks again. Jean and Marilyn