Last Sunday I announced that I will be taking a sabbatical this year. Sabbaticals are about rest and renewal, the word comes from the Hebrew word Sabbath, the seventh day of creation when God rested. If God needs a rest now and again so too then do ministers. It’s right in the Bible!
After at least 7 years of ministry and at least 2 years in a parish, Priest’s in our Diocese are eligible to take a 2 month sabbatical. A sabbatical is a paid leave from ministry to spend time in prayerful reflection, deep rest and further their theological education through reading or taking courses. In 2017 I had been given the Bishop’s permission to take a sabbatical however health problems arose a few months before and I needed to take a few months of sick leave and so decided to defer my sabbatical, so 8 years later I’m finally taking it!
The Bishop has given her assent to my sabbatical which will be for the months of May and June. Then I will be on vacation for the first 3 weeks of July. I will be taking the remainder of my vacation time in September.
During my sabbatical I am looking to go on a silent retreat, and I am looking at studying Indigenous Spirituality, seeing how it can impact and enhance my own spiritual practises, seeing where our understanding of God can be broadened by seeing God through a new lens. I am also planning to spend some time resting from the work I do in ministry to recharge my batteries as it were.
This sabbatical is only possible for me because of the willingness of colleagues to help cover
services, the organizational abilities of Lindsey as Parish Administrator and the support of the
corporation, parish council and all of you. For all of this I am deeply grateful. There is a grant
available from the Diocese to help cover the cost of Sunday coverage, so the financial responsibilities from the parish are negligible.
Sunday Coverage
Sundays we will have a number of clergy taking services including our own Donald Brown and Wayne
Fraser as well as Archdeacon Bill Mous and Rev. Krista Hilton, the Chaplain at Brock University. As we get closer to May I will be giving you a full schedule as to who hill be celebrating and when.
I hope this helps to answer some questions but if you have others please feel free to contact me.
Yours in Christ,