A Pastoral Letter from Rev. Sheila

Worship in the time of Covid

On Tuesday September 21st Parish Council met with a bit of a different agenda than usual. Instead of a business meeting looking at financials and reports we had a discussion/visioning meeting where we spent some time talking about worship. We began by having an honest discussion about what we miss in worship with the pandemic protocols in place, things like singing, shaking hands, hugging during the peace, being able to sit next to each other, go to the altar to receive communion and no coffee hour.

We then spent time in prayer offering our laments to God about all that our hearts yearned for in worship that we were not able to engage in right now. From there we talked about what in a larger sense we found missing with these elements no longer available to us in worship and one thing that came out was the lack of ability to participate in worship. Services had become a rather static affair with no singing or movement (ie to the altar rail or during the Peace). The energy that was usually generated by being able to participate in the music was also missing.

In complete honesty we do not know how long the pandemic safety protocols will be in place but with the variants and continued large volume of new cases it may be a while. In light of that we talked about how we might incorporate some of these elements of worship we found missing in a ‘new’ way.

Let me say right now that ‘new’ means change and change is not easy and often takes a bit to get used to. You’ll notice that we are working at incorporating clapping and with the Recessional song last Sunday, Shout to the North and the South, some actions. This is one of the ways we are looking at building some energy and creating some ways for everyone to participate. Lindsey is also looking to add engagement with various instruments and vocalists. Let me continue by saying, this may not be your thing. And that’s OK. I only ask that you understand why we are doing it and give it a try when you are ready.

Looking ahead we are thinking about new ways we might enjoy each other’s company again outside of the church building. Things such as meeting in small groups for coffee or lunch after the service at someone’s home or at a restaurant. Small group meetings at other times of the week which have no agenda other than getting a chance to get reacquainted.

These are just some of the ways we are looking at worship and community at this time. When the time comes that we can return to the ways we worship and form community again the way we used to pre-covid, these may be some elements that we continue to use in some way.

If you have ideas about how we might safely add different elements to worship or form community (all you who like to think outside of the box get your thinking caps on) please let myself or one of the wardens know.

Church of the Transfiguration has always been a Parish which was open to innovative styles of worship, and which was also keenly aware that everyone has different opinions and preferences when it comes to worship and so tries to balance all of that. We ask only that you keep an open mind and an open heart, always remembering that worship is about God, not about us.

If we worship God authentically then however we worship the Holy Spirt will inspire and encourage us and we will receive the benefits of returning our focus on God and God’s will for us in our lives. By worshipping in a community, we receive the added benefit of knowing that God places in our lives people who will support us and love us as we try to live out God’s will for us together.
Yours in Christ,