Thank you to everyone who came out and participated in our Annual Vestry Meeting. A special thank you to Justine for once again acting as our Vestry Clerk and a huge thank you to Lindsey for doing
the challenging job of wrangling in all the Vestry Reports! (Like herding cats!).
Our Parish Council for the upcoming year are:
- Ray Elder – Rector’s Warden
- Barbara Sainty – People’s Warden
- Kari Vanderzee – Deputy Rector’s Warden
- Kelly Twerdy – Deputy People’s Warden and Treasurer
- Synod Council Reps – Beth Kerley and Byron Nicholson and Barbara Forder as Alternate
Parish Council Members
- Don Alsop
- Carrie Adewumi
- Karen Perry
- Lynne Mawson
A warm welcome to Kari as Deputy Rector’s Warden and Lynne Mawson as Parish Council Member!
There was a discussion about empowering the Corporation to sign lease agreements with groups who have a lease of less then 3 years or 3 years or more. All of our lease agreements are for less then 3 years so the only motion necessary was the one that was made. Please see the Vestry Meeting Minutes for any other information.