A Message from Steff

The next Messy church is our Father’s Day Sale on Friday, June 9th from 5-7pm. We are still looking for donations for the sale.

This will be our last messy church for the summer!

I’m also happy to announce that after a few years’ hiatus, we will be hosting our own VBS (vacation Bible school) this summer! It will be held 9am-noon on Monday August 21, through to Friday, August 25, with a lunch on the Friday to finish off. The cost is $20 per child for the week, with a maximum fee of $50 per family.

All children from ages 5-11 are welcome, and so are Volunteers aged 14 and up. Please reach out for more information and registration.

An event this large and fantastic can’t be run without a wonderful team of helpers! I am still looking for quite a few volunteers- folks to run the registration table, prepare snacks, run crafts/game stations, and group leaders. If you are able and willing to help in any of these areas during these times and dates, we would love to have you!