Yard Sale Help Needed

Yard Sale 20223
Transfiguration Needs Your Help

Barbara Forder, one our newer members of our Parish Family, has kindly offered to coordinate our Yard Sale this year with the guidance of so many who have done this before. Can you help? This event has been so beneficial for our Parish in the past and we want to continue to make it successful.

Helpers required to unpack, sort and price items Thursday and Friday. We need help in carrying out tables and items that go outdoors. This is done at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday. The sale begins at 8:00 a.m.
People needed to oversee and sell items both indoors and outside. People needed to repack all unsold items and reorganize Fireside room and replace chairs for church services on Sunday. People needed to load items into trucks or cars and deliver to Value Village after the sale.

Our success will come from many hands making the work lighter and way more fun! Add your name to the volunteer list on the bulletin board today.