

We are offering another session of the Revive program. The Revive program answers the question: How do we go from doing ministry for the church to being in a relationship with this life-giving empowering God? We quite simply have to stop. Stop the frantic busyness. Stop the intellectual analysis. Stop the self-reliance. Stop the anxious worrying, and let God renew and revive our hearts and minds. Being in a relationship with God, as with every other healthy relationship we experience, takes time and attention in order for it to grow and deepen. Otherwise, as with other relationships, our connection with God can shrivel and even die if it is left to languish. Revive aims to provide a supportive structure and community to help that relationship reignite and come alive!

Come and enliven your spirit, your connection to God, yourself and others! Please contact Rev. Sheila for more information.