Please join us as we share a happy celebration of Ron’s life on Saturday June 18th at 2:00pm Our hope is that this time is full of fond memories, fun stories, laughter and love. We will have a small group in attendance at the cottage and have created a zoom meeting for anyone else to join in. At 2pm, we will start up by the fire pit with some storytelling. There will be an opportunity for anyone present to offer their thoughts, if they choose. After sharing we will make our way down to the river’s edge behind the Bunkie. We will have a few comfortable words offered there as we inter Ron’s ashes beneath a maple tree. Looking forward to having you celebrate with us. Please forward this note to anyone whom you feel would appreciate tuning in. Ev, Sue and Steve
The link below should take you to the zoom meeting. If not the meeting code and password are also offered.
Join ZoomGov Meeting eFVORmk4UT09
Meeting ID: 160 400 9502 Passcode: 308400