Our Diocesan Mission Action Plan







‘Called to Life – Compelled to Love’ is the weaving together of the three objectives of a new Mission Action Plan (MAP) that was approved in January, the culmination of an eight-month discernment process.

Our mission action plan identifies the ways the people of our diocese are actively seeking of God and God’s mission for a church or diocese and sets priorities and
actions that reflect an intersection of our diocese’s spiritual yearnings, strengths, and challenges.

“Our MAP is a bold statement of what we want to become by the Grace of God over the next 3-5 years,” says Bishop Susan Bell. “It’s intended to be a living document – constantly in use and developing organically with the inevitable and much prayed-for developments in the life of the Church.” Hundreds of people from across the diocese contributed to the development of our mission action plan.

Mission Action Plan Prayer
Beloved God, we are your people called to walk a renewed path with Jesus.
Be with us, your whole church, as we seek to rekindle and enliven our faith.
Keep us firm in our commitment to reshape our culture and structures for mission and invigorate our social justice engagement, most especially the nurture and protection of your creation.
Let the whole world see us living and lifting up the fullness of your love.
Make new those things that have grown old; and bring wholeness to that which cries out for restoration.
All this we ask through the Spirit of the Living God and in the name of the Christ who came among us, is among us and will come among us. Amen.

Our Vision
Called to Life – Compelled to Love

Our Mission Statement
Ignited by the irresistible love of Jesus and renewed by the Holy Spirit, we partner with God to deepen faith, share stories and care for God’s world.

Objective and Strategies

  1. Create and implement opportunities to ignite and strengthen faith

    1. Nourish and support clergy, parishioners (current and de-churched) and staff in their longing to know Christ. Listen, learn and then act to understand what is required to provide nourishment and support.
    2. Share the Good News of Christ’s life changing love for all.
  2. Reimagine diocesan culture and adapt our structures to enable ministry

    1. Invite interested people to gather in incubator groups to pray, discern and propose innovative recommendations around common topics.
    2. Examine personnel, governance, financial and vocational policies and structures of the diocese with the intention of freeing us for God’s mission.
    3. Review internal and external communication practices and implement more effective communication strategies.
  3. Prioritize Social Justice action with an emphasis on Environmental Justice
    The Gospel calls us to work to change unjust structures and help the marginalized and the poor. This includes all forms of injustice including climate crisis, racism, mental health discrimination, human rights, homelessness, human trafficking and poverty. Knowledge and skills will move us to impactful advocacy.

    1. Deepen our understanding of local and global social justice needs.
    2. Provide response strategies, training and resources to enable parishes to take appropriate action on issues.
    3. Actively engage in reconciliation work in response to the TRC recommendations

Church on Sunday, May 15 will be a combined service starting at 10:00 am with the congregation invited to stay after to begin our Mission Action Plan. Please review the Adult Faith Formation tool sent earlier this week prior to attending the meeting next Sunday. We hope you can all attend.