It’s Not Too Late to join the Lenten Book Study

Saving us book

This year we will be studying Katharine Hayhoe’s book “Saving Us: A climate scientist’s case for hope and healing in a divided world”

The books are not inexpensive—they are available from Chapters or Amazon for $36.00 for hardcover, or you can download the Kindle version for less, a softcover is not available. If you are not able to find the book in store and can’t order online please let me know ASAP and I will order it for you. Please be sure to let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in taking part in the book study and if you need a book purchased. It looks like there are some copies available at the Chapters at Fairview Mall but I can’t promise anything.

We will have discussion groups meeting at the church on Wednesdays beginning on March 9th at 11:30 am and an evening Zoom meeting on Thursday evenings (time to be determined) beginning on March 10th. The meetings will run for 5 weeks. If you are taking part please read the first section of the book up page 33 before the first meeting.