A Refection for March 6, 2021 by The Rev. Donald Brown

By definition Lent is a 40 day penitential season of the Church Calendar, in preparation for Easter. In the early church, it began as a two day fast ending the Saturday night before Easter.

It was not until the mid-4th century that the two day fast became 40 days (not counting Sundays). The 40 day period was chosen because it shadowed Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness (today’s Gospel reading) and Moses’ time on Mount Sinai. The focus was a time to prepare baptismal candidates, and in some locales it was a time of penance. Grievous sinners sought restoration and a return to participation in Communion (having worn sack cloth and being marked with ashes for 40 days).

There was not universal acceptance of the practice for a number of centuries, but the basic nature of Lent was eventually solidified in the Roman Catholic Church calling for a solemn season of faith and sacrifice, fasting, study and alms giving, and daily attendance at Mass.

After the Reformation, Protestant churches adopted various practices from the Roman model, and today, we in the Anglican Church follow a variety of practices such as book studies, scripture readings, taking on new outreach tasks. (We, however, do not seem to emphasize the daily fasting from certain foods as we recognize that enjoying food is one of the gifts of creation).

…this Lent asks us to act—to act to preserve and care for creation, to be willing to change how we live—to help ward off the real threat of Climate Change and related environmental degradation.

This year, with direction from Sheila, we have a particular Lenten focus for reflection, study, prayer and action. Shelia’s chosen book for the Lenten Study is Saving us: a climate scientist’s case for hope and healing in a divided world. In addition Sheila asks the parish as a whole to look at our stewardship of the planet we call home and challenges each of us to find ways to be a blessing to the earth.

The idea is to thank God for all the blessings of creation—to use our reflections, study and actions to focus on changes we can make in our daily lives to show our love for God in our care for creation.

This is a change from the traditional focus of Lent which in many churches has tended to emphasize sin and our need for repentance and forgiveness. For example, the liturgy for each week could start with a Penitential Order found on page 216 of the BAS.

We need to recognize that God, the ground of our being, is to be found within creation—in each of us, in the plants, the animals, the earth, the sky, the water—all kinds of living things. And that loving God means loving creation and calls us to be caretakers.

Thus, this Lent asks us to act—to act to preserve and care for creation, to be willing to change how we live—to help ward off the real threat of Climate Change and related environmental degradation.

Change is possible—but change is rarely easy or cost free.